Dad in Gobi
Me in Talahari
Uhm it would appear that we are alike. Except that I like to think that I started the trend as this is a photo of me in Namibia in 2008 and Dad just a few of months ago. Hehe.

Part of why I've always traveled was to inspire my parents to really see the world. I think it was really hard for them to enjoy themselves because they were always in such a survival immigrant parent control freak mode. So glad to be able to share them this as they have gotten older. They still drive me insane, but mostly in good ways now. Had a bit of tension with my dad recently over family business stuff. Same old same old... Part of my inherent frustrations with him is knowing how much we are so alike in many respects.

It's interesting to see your parents grow as people. When you are a kid, you think you're parents know everything. Then you get older and realize they are just human beings and growing just as you are too. What a gift to be able to help them on their journeys in this experience. And a blessing to know that you can be a teacher and guide too. 

Here's a short video someone produced of dad's recent SUV adventure along the Silk Road. Got to spend a part of it with him. Totally gives me joy. And yes my Dad is BADASS.