Couldn't sleep well last night. Instead of tossing and turning, I got up and drank some herbal tea and meditated a lil bit. This always warms me up and helps me settle in. And somewhere in between these sleepy non sleep states, thought of you and your favorite song. Perhaps a sign? It was the score for one of your favorite Chinese tv programs. I was curious about the song, and as I couldn't go to sleep anyways, decided to look it up as I never really did understand it before. My Chinese, although proficient, only allows me to understand modern colloquial Chinese. 

I laugh at myself sometimes when you speak to me these days, often at the oddest of hours. Spent next couple of hours translating from classic Chinese to English. Messaged received Mom. I know. <3

Love from Afar

The bonds of this world are bitter and short; the path of man is long
Words cannot capture the immenseness in these fine thoughts
Such as a Dream this bustling instant
The world will have its series of empty busyness

Spring leaves and autumn will come, oh the vicissitudes of things
You can always count on the successes or failures of life
Boarding from afar the landscape is vast and uncertain
Love shines through the heavens a path without restraint

A series of rain, storms and maddening wind
In the blink of an eye the hair on your temples has become the color of frost
Leaving forth all that you Love, leaving forth all that is your Truth
Leaving forth a Dream that endures to accompany the Moon and the Stars

A series of rain, storms and maddening wind
In the blink of an eye the hair on your temples has become the color of frost
Leaving forth all that you Love, leaving forth all that is your Truth
Leaving forth a Dream that endures to accompany the Sun and the Moon
Leaving forth all that you Love, leaving forth all that is your Truth
Leaving forth a Dream that endures to accompany the Moon and the Stars

Love you too mum. <3

On meditations...

Something sweet these moments when I close my eyes
Away from the world away from my mind
Away from all the strings that pull at me
from that which I already know

Each day a moment - A new breath 
I spread out my arms wide
Redefine the definitions
And fall into creation

I hear footsteps of the masters of my lineage
I hear the voices of the Light 
that plead me to sing loudly 
And to sound the drum and dance into our upcoming journeys
They say... there is no other time than that of now

I listen in.
I listen in fearful and uncertain
I listen in
to learn to let go
I listen in
to realize I am nothing
but that which is Infinite -
Light (晖)

I listen in 
To Remember 
(my name)

This is my name. 
Light (晖)

*This is my real name.