Hehe. I think part of the virtuoso that is Bobby Mcferrin is that he reminds us of what is in all of us. He doesn't have a big band or entourage following him around, everything is done by the simplicity of the human voice, and a playful and soulful one at that. 

Been having a bit of a hard time with insomnia, which I understand now as part of my most creative periods. Woke up about an hour ago after dinner with my beautiful friends. It's raining right now in SF and it's BEAUTIFUL. 

It's interesting to see how Bobby has evolved as an artist/person. He looks so different in this earlier video compared to his more recent work. But hey... all part of the journey. So grateful to going to see this later this month.
I love this song. Anthem for creatives! 

"They say I'm sleepwalking- I'm living the dream..."