On meditations...

Something sweet these moments when I close my eyes
Away from the world away from my mind
Away from all the strings that pull at me
from that which I already know

Each day a moment - A new breath 
I spread out my arms wide
Redefine the definitions
And fall into creation

I hear footsteps of the masters of my lineage
I hear the voices of the Light 
that plead me to sing loudly 
And to sound the drum and dance into our upcoming journeys
They say... there is no other time than that of now

I listen in.
I listen in fearful and uncertain
I listen in
to learn to let go
I listen in
to realize I am nothing
but that which is Infinite -
Light (晖)

I listen in 
To Remember 
(my name)

This is my name. 
Light (晖)

*This is my real name.

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