I ran my first half marathon back in 2008. I had just come back from traveling to Africa, was buff from backpacking all over Europe, and realized I only had a month and some to train. The thing is I never really considered myself an athlete of any sort, more like a curious person who just wanted to try stuff and see what I can do. My parents were like "whaaaa... you can't do that! you're so unathletic..." I trained, I stumbled, I doubted myself, and then I made it in a decent time for a first timer. And my parents and some of friends were there with me at the finish line. They surprised me actually. My mom was really sick at the time and I didn't think she'd be able to make it out to see me. One of the best moments ever is to do things people don't think you can do (and yourself even). I hope it inspired my mom too, as she was going through chemotherapy at the time and training for her own type of marathon. 

I've been thinking about getting back into running lately. There are just so many gorgeous analogies to life with running marathons. Learning to build good habits/practice, keeping a steady pace, learning how to slow down, rest and ramp up as needed, pushing through mental boundaries and physical pain, allowing yourself to see the scenery just knowing that you'll get there eventually, just try your best, etc etc.

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